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Past Grant Awards

Past grant support has included the following:

Campus Suicide Prevention Program  

The Garrett Lee Smith Campus Suicide Prevention Grant, funded through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (a division of the Department of Health and Human Services) provides a three-year grant to support Snow College’s suicide prevention efforts.

CUPHD-Health Equity

The Snow College Pride Club has been awarded funds from the Central Utah Public Health Department’s Health Equity Community Impact Grant to help advance equity for LGBTQ+ students by assisting with club programs and activities.

Fulbright Scholar in Residence

Snow College hosted Dr. Satya Sethy from Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India as part of the Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence program.

Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (CARES)

Funded by the U.S. Department of Education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this grant assists in easing the transition to online education and facilitates efforts to keep employees and students safe.

Learn and Work

Thanks to funding from the Utah State Legislature, the Learn and Work grant provides short-term training programs tuition-free.  This will allow individuals to re-enter or upgrade to more stable positions in the workforce.

National Association for Community College Entrepreneurship and the Phillip E and Carole R. Ratcliffe Foundation

The NACCE 2021 Pitch for the Trades grant supports hands-on opportunities for Snow College students to combine entrepreneurship with agriculture.  Snow Compost puts the manure in entre-manure-ship! 


The Pando Photographic Survey Project partnered with the United States Forest Service to photograph the world’s largest tree, an aspen spanning 106 acres of the Fishlake National Forest.

Pitch for the Trades

The NACCE Pitch for the Trades supported hands-on opportunities for Snow College students to combine entrepreneurship with agriculture. Snow Compost put the manure in entre-manure-ship!

Talent Ready Connections

Funded by the Utah System of Higher Education, this grant has allowed Snow College to partner with Great Lakes Cheese in Fillmore to establish a program where current employees can be trained through Snow’s industrial mechanics program. Welding partnerships have been added to the Talent Ready program for fall 2022.

Trade Adjustment Assistance for Career and Community College Training  

This grant, funded by the US Department of Labor, provides funding to support faculty and staff, equipment, supplies, curriculum development, and miscellaneous costs in the Industrial Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology programs on the Richfield Campus.

Truth Grant

Snow College is fortunate to receive funding from the Truth Initiative which offers grants to support colleges and universities in adopting tobacco-free campus policies. In addition to these funds, the Central Utah Public Health Department also contributes to e-cigarette, marijuana, and other drug prevention programs on campus.

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